Combining Screaming Frog Data with URL Profiler Data

Posted on: September 18th, 2014 by Patrick Hathaway in Guides, How To

Our customers have been telling us for some time how much they like to combine data from Screaming Frog and URL Profiler

Screaming Frog is a brilliant tool, we love it. But there is some data it doesn’t give you that you can get by combining with URL Profiler:

  • Google Analytics data
  • Social shares
  • Mozscape Page Authority (or Majestic/Ahrefs metrics)
  • PageSpeed
  • Readability scores
  • Topic analysis
  • Sentimentality
  • Language
  • Tone

So it seemed like a no brainer to make the job of combining data as easy as possible.

Combining Screaming Frog Data with URL Profiler

Obviously you already use Screaming Frog SEO Spider (to give the tool it’s correct name). If you don’t you’re probably going to need to remove ‘SEO’ from your job title. Fire up your copy and we’re ready to begin.

Step 1 – Crawl

Send the spider off on a crawl. If your chosen site is anything like as small as ours (it’s new ok!) then this will only take a minute or so.

Run Screaming Frog

Step 2 – Export

Now, we are really only interested in the URLs extracted from the crawl, so filter by ‘HTML’ and then hit ‘Export’ to get a csv version of the data.

Export Screaming Frog

Step 3 – Import

So here’s the cool bit. If you have ever tried to combine URL Profiler data with Screaming Frog data you’ll know there is a bit of faffing about in Excel involved. No longer.

Simply fire up URL Profiler, right click in the white URL box and choose ‘Import from Screaming Frog SEO Spider’

Import Screaming Frog Data

Browse and select your Screaming Frog csv export file, hit ‘Open’ to import the data.

Your URLs from the Screaming Frog export will appear in the URL List.

Step 4 – Choose Settings & Run

Now you need to decide what data you wish to pull back. If you are running a content audit, you will typically want URL Level data and Content Analysis options similar to below. Pick your options and click ‘Run Profiler’.

URL Profiler Options

Step 5 – Check Out the Data

One the profile is complete, open the file and you’ll be presented with a spreadsheet with two workbooks. It will automatically be opened on ‘Combined Results’, which has the Screaming Frog data with URL Profiler data appended. The other workbook, entitled ‘All’, is simply the URL Profiler data.

The gif below shows what the Combined Results looks like. I have highlighted the URL Profiler data in yellow so you can see where that kicks in.

URL Profiler Export


So What’s The Point In All This?

You’ve obviously not being paying attention 🙂

It will take all of your URL Profiler data, and stick it at the end of your Screaming Frog data.

Just like that.

(and it deletes the really annoying ‘Internal – HTML’ line at the top of your Screaming Frog file).

If you are wondering what to do with this new found ability, give a content audit a whirl. And if you don’t know how to do one of those, the extremely intelligent Everett Sizemore has told you exactly how to do it on this beast of a guide on Moz.

Definitely worth a read.


If you’ve not tried URL Profiler yet, you can start a free 14 day trial here:

The trial is full featured, and you don’t need to give us any payment details to get started.

Existing customers or existing trial users can grab the new update from here:

What are you waiting for?