Fill in a few details to sign up, then start sharing your affiliate URL with your audience.
Unlimited cookie length, so if a user signs up at any time following an affiliate click, you will receive commission.
Earn 25% commission on every sale, recurring for the entire duration they remain a customer.
Receive monthly payments, paid through PayPal.
25% of their subscription price, for every month that they continue to subscribe to URL Profiler. For example, if a server license is purchased for $29.95 via your affiliate link, you will earn $7.49 for every month that they remain a customer (so, a 12 month subscription would yield $89.88 total commission).
Yes, this is also set at 25%. So if you refer an annual agency subscription at $549.45, you will receive $137.36. If they go on to continue their annual subscription into a second year, you will receive this amount again next year.
Your commission value is tied to the subscription value of the referred user. For example, if a server license is purchased for $29.95 via your affiliate link, you will earn $7.49 per month. If this user then upgrades to an agency license for $49.95, your monthly commission will increase to $12.49.
Yes. Our cookies are unlimited, so a user could enter the free trial today, but not purchase for another 6 months, and you will still receive commission for this (assuming they do not delete their cookies in the intervening period).
Payments are made at the start of each calendar month, subject to a minimum payout amount of $15.00.
Currently we only offer payment via PayPal, so we will require your PayPal email address in order to process this.